Jules Rakic Announces Candidacy for Maine State Senate

Kittery Point- Jules Rakic, a small business owner and mother of two has announced she is running for Maine Senate District 35. The district includes the York County towns of Eliot, Kittery, Ogunquit, South Berwick, and York.

“Running for office was not a decision I made lightly, but community involvement is so important and right now I believe that we need fresh perspectives in Augusta to help us get Maine on the right track,” said Rakic. “As a small business owner and mother, I understand the challenges that people in Maine are facing. From our education system to affordable housing to the workforce shortage and government spending, there are many issues that need to be tackled with a commonsense approach and an understanding of how policy impacts average Maine families. I look forward to having conversations about these, and many other issues, with the people I meet on the campaign trail in York County over the next several months.”

Among the reasons Rakic decided to run for office was her experience with remote schooling her children during the 2020 school year. This experience helped her understand the strengths and weaknesses in the education system. Rakic is also committed to working in favor of policies that promote trades education and bolster local businesses.

Rakic has been a self-employed small business owner for over two decades, working as a hairstylist and a realtor. She is a member of the York County Council of the Maine Association of Realtors and the New Hampshire Seacoast Board of Realtors. Rakic volunteers her time at the local soup kitchen and with the women’s charitable group at her church. She is also a member of the Museums of Old York and the Kittery Historical and Naval Museum.

A tenth-generation Mainer, Rakic grew up in the Biddeford-Saco-OOB area and is a graduate of Biddeford High School. She and her husband of 15 years, Stojan, reside in Kittery and have two school-age children. Stojan is an immigrant from Yugoslavia, and Rakic cites his family’s story and their perseverance in starting life anew in Maine as a constant reminder of the importance of our freedoms and the beauty of life in Maine.

“Jules has lived the challenges of the everyday Mainer for years. From running a small business to, more recently, remote schooling her children, she gets what Maine families are dealing with. Her voice will be a valuable addition to the Maine Senate and I look forward to working with her,” said Senate Republican Leader Jeff Timberlake (R-Androscoggin).

Maine Senate candidate Jules Rakic