Representative Matthew Harrington Announces Candidacy for State Senate

Sanford - Representative Matthew Harrington (R-Sanford) will be seeking the District 33 Senate Seat in 2022. The newly formed York County district includes the municipalities of Alfred, Lebanon, Sanford, and Waterboro.

Rep. Harrington is a police officer in Kennebunk and has served the people of Sanford in the Maine House of Representatives since 2015.

“Public service is about stepping up to do what your community needs. Right now, that means speaking up for hardworking Mainers who are being left behind by policies put forward by the current majorities in Augusta. I’m running for Senate so that I can make sure the people of Alfred, Lebanon, Sanford, and Waterboro have a strong voice advocating for them,” said Rep. Harrington.

In addition to his service as a police officer, Rep. Harrington has served as a firefighter and an advanced EMT. During his time in the legislature he has been an advocate for strengthening public safety in Maine and has sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to help Maine’s first responders. Rep. Harrington’s other priorities have included reducing the tax burden on working Maine families, advocating for less government intrusion in Mainers’ lives, and making it easier for small businesses and employers to operate in the state.

“Having worked with him in the Maine House, I know firsthand what a strong advocate Rep. Harrington is for his community and for common sense policies that benefit Mainers,” said Senate Republican Leader Jeff Timberlake (R-Androscoggin). “Rep. Harrington is an outstanding public servant and he will certainly be an excellent senator.”

“As a resident of Waterboro, I’ll be glad to cast my vote for Matt Harrington for Senate in 2022. Term limits prevent me from running for Senate this year, but I’m glad to know that a dedicated public servant who is in it for the right reasons is stepping up to serve our community,” said Senator David Woodsome (R-York), who has served as the Senator for the area since 2014.

A fourth-generation Mainer, Rep. Harrington is a graduate of Southern Maine Community College and the University of Southern Maine. He and his wife, Lauren, reside in Sanford where he is active in the community. Rep. Harrington is a Freemason, a member of the Sanford Elks, a Shriner with the Kora Temple, and has been a member of his church’s board of trustees.